Pictured: A microplastic substance discovered in the human body.
Research from the Medical University of Vienna and the Environment Agency Austria.
Know the Facts

Source of water is
mostly polluted.
The primary sources for drinking water for many Thai citizens are from surface and ground water sources.
Untreated domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and solid hazardous wastes have increased in the surface water bodies. It is reported that one third of the surface water has poor quality in Thailand.
Agricultural run-off pollutants, aquaculture and sewage are polluting the groundwater in the large scale
Most of bottled water are made from these waters.
Bottled water is toxic for health
Bottled water is the cause of all cancers this century.
Drinking water that comes from plastic bottles contains a variety of toxins, such as Arsenic Fluoride and Chlorine, which are the main toxins found in bottled water. It is a substance that causes cancer and spinal cord.
Arsenic Arsenic is a heavy metal substance that causes cancer in humans. by the research results of The International Academy for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies this substance as the causative agent of type 1 human cancer.
Fluoride Harmful Substances Arsenic-killing compounds that are most often mixed with toothpaste, fluoride today are added to drinking water, even children's toothpaste. This substance is as toxic as Arsenic and is several times stronger than lead. Several cities in the United States have banned the sale of fluoride-containing products since the 1990s. 1990
Chlorine It was used to kill bacteria. Chlorine is in the form of gas. which cannot be eliminated by filtering Can be absorbed into the body through the skin. When it enters the body, it creates a substance called Trihalomethanes (THMs), which are embedded deep in the body and begin to destroy tissues. From the results of experiments in rats when adding chlorine to the water. The rats developed tumors in the liver, kidneys and intestines, but chlorine was still used in drinking water all the time.
Source: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/water/water-toxins

Bottled water is full of Microplastic.
Bottled water is full of plastic compounds.
A study published in an academic journal Environmental Science and Technology on Wednesday, June 5, 2018, based on data from the US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency. Give a picture that every year Americans are exposed to microscopic particles of plastic. also known as "Microplastics" enter the body on average from 74,000 to 121,000 particles, depending on a person's age and gender.
But for those who regularly drink from plastic bottles. The acceptability of these particles will increase by approximately 90,000 particles per year.
The researchers obtained those numbers from an analysis of previous studies on microplastics exposure from eight major sources. is from the breathed air from drinking alcohol From bottled water, honey, seafood, salt, sugar and tap water, the source of such microplastics does not include meat and vegetables. because there is not enough information
Researchers explain that microplastics are already present in the environment around us. and not only people but animals It gets this microplastic into the body in the process of living as well. It's just that humans can get more from food processing and packaging.
According to figures from the US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency. Researchers estimate that On average, boys receive about 81,000 microplastics each year, compared to 74,000 for girls. Adult men get 121,000 microplastics, compared to 98,000 for women.
However, drinking bottled water alone would increase the plastic particles by 75,000 for boys, 64,000 for girls and about 127,000 for men and about 93,000 for women, respectively.
Previous research has shown that Microplastic particles are small enough to penetrate into the tissues of the body and trigger immune reactions. or release toxins and heavy metals from the environment
But the exact health effects of this are unknown.
However, some scientists who were not involved in the study warned that In addition to the effects of microplastics on the human body, which is not fully understood, The study seems to neglect the mechanisms and systems of the human body that may be able to filter or eliminate microplastics in the air we breathe.
And some scientists, such as Professor Richard Lampitt of the British Oceanography Research Team, point out that We currently lack a clear definition of how small microplastics are. Because in addition to microplastics There are also smaller plastic particles called "Nanoplastics", which were not included in the scope of this study.
While there are currently estimates of the amount of microplastics ingested by humans from various sources, the true understanding of their health effects is unclear. And scientists agree that further studies are needed on the subject.
Source https://www.voathai.com/a/microplastic-ct/4952467.html

Impact on the living environment
The consumption of plastic water bottles has become a huge burden for projects, villages, and large communities. Because plastic bottles are garbage that takes up a lot of space and there are many. This causes the project administrators to expand the area to accommodate the increasing amount of community waste. They also need to recruit workers to take care of the growing waste.
From the information of the Pollution and Environment Department There is research that Every year, 35% of plastic bottle waste disappears from the system.
Impact on cost of living
The process of producing bottled water is a very costly process. from bottle production packing, transportation, marketing costs, etc., making drinking water more expensive than it should be. Buying water from bottled water Means you have to take on various burdens instead of
• The cost of drinking water is derived from the cost of producing plastic bottles and the cost of packing water at the factory.
• Transportation costs for 19 liters of bottled water travel from the manufacturer's factory to the distribution center.
• Fuel price, labor and transport from the distribution point to the customer
Water from air VS plastic bottled water

Water production system that does not contain plastic substances in the process and does not create waste.
Air Moisture Extraction System® The water is produced from high quality food grade materials that have passed the industry standards of the United States and Austria that there are no toxic residues from long-term use.
Air Moisture Extraction System® System produce waste from
Filter the water once a year from the filter unit only. This could reduce the use of 109,800 liter plastic water bottles, most of which end up in the ocean waste.
Residual filter elements are used for further use before being recycled into the recycling process.
Water from the air, water that you no longer have to worry about from contaminated water.
Air Moisture Extraction System® is to turn away from natural water sources This is a process that requires many processes to create clean drinking water. A process that wastes both resources and destroys the country's environment.
Drinking water from the Air Moisture Extraction System® Therefore, it is more special than drinking water obtained from the filtration process because the water is extracted from the moment it is in the form of molecules and is used to make drinking water. with an instant light sterilization process Ultra violet stuck in the water tank can destroy various germs better than the filter system. where water runs through UV light at a speed. After getting the water So the water is pure. Free from sediments and toxins You can also choose to add minerals to the water as needed.
The world's best drinking water production system that exceeds the standards set by the WHO.
The quality of the water produced by the system Air Moisture Extraction System® It is a clean water production system designed to eliminate the need for you to drink water from plastic-contaminated water bottles and is produced from water sources that are subject to constant fluctuations in water values.
The internal system is designed with a thoughtful approach to keeping your drinking water clean many steps beyond the EU standards, so you can still be confident that your drinking water will be received. Strict supervision of cleanliness since water production cleanliness Enriching the minerals in the water until it reaches your glass.