Clean water is basic human rights
In remote areas, the quality of water used for consumption is facing a grave crisis due to inaccessibility to the public water system. The locals rely heavily on themselves to solve this problem; however, the lack of expertise results in inefficient water system management. Children have no choice but to consume water from unstandardized and contaminated water sources, which eventually cause sickness.
Pass the Love Forward was initiated by Mr. Pakpoum Mahasith, CEO of Ecolotech who specializes in the Air to Water technology, together with the help of Ms. Kedkaew Thongcharoon , CEO of Aufu whose business focuses on hand-made tote bags by the local communities. The project determines to provide solutions and high-quality water systems for the communities in the rural areas. Our first project began in a small school located in mountainous areas in the North of Thailand.
Pass the Love Forward aims to change the unsustainable donation system into passing on the knowledge and fund to those in need, to enable the receiver to become the giver. Our first fundraising project was at Ban Mae Daet Noi School in Kalayaniwattana district in Chiang Mai.

Listen, Analyze, Act!
EcoloTech did fieldwork in the local communities, assess the issues and their urgency, and finally plan on the solutions.
Seeing the Big Picture
Natural water resource is the key to success of the project. The areas require a careful plan on water management system and field survey due to lack of natural water resources.
Uncompromising Quality
Most water sources are contaminated with agricultural pesticides. With our expertise and equipment, Ecolotech and the team of health scientists collect water quality data to design the most suitable water system.

A Little Bit of Arts Goes a Long Way!
We implement arts in our products with the help of our guest artist, who had a hand on experience with water scarcity in rural areas. The products were designed using vivid color and attention to all details as a reminder to the supporters that they are the hero to those children.
Kru Pan Somnuek, The first invited artist
Kru Pan is one of the most influencer pop artist in Thailand. He had joint our project to give soul to our product.
Just Enough
Gaining profits isn’t our priority. Our target is to raise sufficient funds for the projects. Therefore, we produce a limited amount of merchandise as an exclusive collection of the artists whom we invited to help solve environmental issues with the arts.

Searching for the Best Quality of Water on Earth
According to Ecolotech’s research, the quality of rainwater in the mountainous areas is impressive, has low-level contamination, and suffices for consumption outside the wet season. This makes the water from the sky the best quality of water on earth.
In the end, we decided to design a rainwater harvesting system using low cost but getting highest efficiency to ensure sufficient water for the children throughout their school years.
For the sanitary system, with the help of Mr. Jon Jandai, the natural filter was designed using low cost and zero-waste materials. The water will go through another high-quality filter to ensure utmost cleanliness for the children’s health.
The test result of the system shows that the quality of the water from this system is better than the bottled water.

Integrating Technology
The water quality for the health of the children is our priority. Contamination is hardly detectable with bare eyes. As a result, we design Smart Water system connecting to IoT, a real-time system for daily water monitoring.
Revolutionizing Water
Ecolotech's Smart Water system can monitor the quantity of water until the next raining season and alert the water quality enabling our team to gain data access from anywhere. This is to ensure a quick response in case water quality issues arise.
Good Water, Good Life
In such remote areas, where can we find clean water for the children? They even have to spend some of their lunch money to buy water. Moreover, contaminated water from rust, mercury, and chemical substances affects the brain development of children. With our water system, the children can live a better life.
Determination is the key to change.
Transparency is our key value
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Everyone can be a part of the change! New knowledge can arise from a fresh perspective and different methods. If we share such knowledge, we could render positive solutions and changes on a big scale to help society.
Pass the Love Forward is glad to share the knowledge and experiment to find the best solutions for sustainable development in alignment with modern time. We promote new methods to fundraise, production, problem approach, and design while integrating technology, ensuring cost efficiency, maintaining transparency, and displaying high value.
All processes can be publicly accessible and can be referred to in the attachment.