Low Carbon Emission Urban Mobility

From research on the Walkable Urban Development Project of UDDC (Urban Development and Design Center), Chulalongkorn University in the year 2017 It was found that Bangkok and other major cities in Thailand had a similar problem: the government did not pay attention to the development of a quality and comprehensive public transport network. The connection between the different systems is interrupted and inconvenient. As a result, more people turn to use private cars, causing problems that follow, namely traffic congestion in the heart of the city. Air pollution problems and higher travel costs from having a private car
Although the arrival of the electric car is expected to help alleviate the problem of light traffic in big cities. But research shows that the electric train system does not meet the needs of the 12 million residents of Bangkok, most of whom move to the suburbs. The electric train system that passes only in certain areas, causing more than 6 million passengers to rely on other vehicles such as Motorcycle taxis or taxis to connect homes and the electric train system don't seem to cater to travel demands, especially in the rainy season that lasts up to 6 months a year.
Understand the Facts
From the study of public transport market value in the Bangkok community According to the data from the Department of Land Transport in 2015, it was found that there were more than 105,894 public motorcycles in service and it is likely to increase continuously. from the total number of applications for registration of public motorcycles This shows that the need for secondary public transport in the community is still high. Tricycles are one of the most popular public transport systems ever. due to its small size Can access the alleys of the district as well. But with the arrival of personal vehicles such as motorcycles, the popularity of tricycles has declined and disappeared from the city. But using a motorcycle to travel in the community area cause noise pollution problems and high air pollution They also have low security. and is not conducive to use by people of all ages Modernizing the life of a tricycle is a solution for the urban lifestyle.
Metro systems in large cities that do not have a plan
One observation in the research explains that Thailand's urban development is widespread and deep. It is not a community group near the main public transportation such as foreign cities. As a result, the distance from home to public transport is larger than the walking distance (more than 800 meters), and the government has paid little attention to the development of the pavement. Therefore, most sidewalks are unsafe at night. As a result, people living in non-service areas choose to use private cars that are both more convenient and safer as their primary means of transport.

Innovative Solution
Creating a complete travel connectivity system
Znail's concept stems from research to create a fully feasible connection between home and public transport. The Znail concept was developed with modern technology that originated from the ancient tricycle that used to transport passengers. people from the alley Alley to another destination in the same area. Znail will serve as a district smart feeder service rather than a taxi service. Znail will have a scope of service from home to public transportation within the vicinity with a radius of service. Within a district not exceeding 3 square kilometers or within one district
Main Transport Connectivity
Fluent movement in every alleyway
With the concept of design, size and appearance suitable for traveling in the alleys of the city, ZNAIL can transport passengers to the door of their homes in all areas with comfort and high security.
Clean, comfortable like a private car
ZNAIL is designed to provide passengers with the utmost comfort like sitting in a private car. The design team aims to design a car that is comfortable. Feel safe when traveling at night for solo women, children, the elderly and even the disabled can use Znail services with confidence.
Low cost and environmentally friendly public transportation system
ZNAIL is an electric powered vehicle that uses solar panels. to convert solar energy into electric power to drive also installed electric power distribution stations in various points of the district
Easy to use, low cost, fast return cost
ZNAIL is designed to be a vehicle for traveling in the district only. Customers can get a fast ride for the same cost as a single tricycle all along the route. have low investment cost and can quickly return the investment

Business Concept
Znail provides a connection service between the call point and the nearest public transportation in the area. Znail customers are those who want to travel by public transportation only and do not have a private car, aged 15-35. The first group to be The target is residents of the suburbs of Bangkok. In the future, Znail plans to provide services in major cities such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, etc.
Znail provides services through a booking application which requires users to sign up as a member first. Initially, Znail will be a member-only service so that transfers can be sufficient, and we assume that one vehicle per vehicle is required. 20 members. At the same time, Znail is also a logistics service that provides short-distance transportation services in that area.

Social Mission
ZNAIL is designed to be a profitable business model with reasonable cost and meanwhile. It can also have a positive impact on the environment and society.

environmental impact
Znail's ultimate goal is to make customers feel that having a car is no longer necessary. To reduce the ownership and use of cars in urban areas, a measurable reduction in carbon production.

social impact
Znail creates a service system that creates new jobs in the community and has a good employee care system. With health insurance, Znail recruits employees from people who have changed their minds from motorcycle taxi drivers in that region or taxi drivers who want to earn a good income without having to bear the cost of renting a daily taxi that has to face low traffic conditions. All day and not enough income to drive Znail instead.