How To Decrease Global Temperature by 2°C ?
Scientists have warned that we only have until 2030 to contain the risks of the environment being damaged for good.
What EcoloTech has been doing is having different projects initiated that can provide customized solutions to the environmental problems. We do a number of thorough studies to find the root causes of each problem, and develop tools that can provide a concrete action given a unique nature of each problem.

We Turn
Reduction of Carbon Emission from the Bottled Water Manufacturing Process
A manufacture of one bottle of drinking water can use up to 3.5 L of crude oil. Plus, we still have not mentioned a number of waste problems to follow. However, reducing global carbon emission means we need to change the way we consume. Therefore, the systems that work best and are interesting, and at the same time do not necessitate any drastic lifestyle changes would do. Water from Air is the groundbreaking answer from the future.

We Plant Trees with
The Only Way to Survive is to Plant 10,000,000,000 Trees Within the Next 10 Years
Planting forests can no longer be done by human alone because it is not only about just planting or seeding, but it also means planning, caring, and continually monitoring on a daily basis for at least 5 years, which is not a simple task that a man can endure. So we say, forestation can no longer be considered man-made.

We Save Our Ocean With
Showing Support to Our Dedicated Artists to Promote Marine Conservation
The idea of someone carrying their own reusable water bottle has not been ideal even at present. Water served fancy plastics bottles are still offered at parties and all kinds of gathering.To try to capture attention of consumers and create a positive impact on the environment, we need help from the Water-from-Air technology and all well-known artists and celebrities to put emphasis on the beauty of change making, which can be both meaningful and purposeful so we can all save our oceans

We Reinvent
Creating Newand Competent Waste Management Systemfor the City with Urban Hero
Waste sorting is not only about integrity. It means understanding and bringing positive consumer experience into the design process and successfully make use of a clever technology.At the same time, we need business models that can turn a profit, which will earn the society new employment opportunities, widen career options, and decrease waste management problems in the city effectively by building a new kind of cooperation that is phenomenal for Thailand.

We Invent Low Carbon Emission
Reducing Car Use in the City Through A Design of Public Services That Can Make People Want to Ditch Their Cars
There is very little likelihood of encouraging people to leave their private cars at home and get around by public transportation. From the research EcoloTech did with Urban Development Design Center (UDDC) of Chulalongkorn University, we concluded that even if there are more Skytrain lines in Bangkok, the needs of commuters will still not be met.So, EcoloTech came up with a public transit system suitable for Thailand that can be a missing jigsaw piece connecting the whole city completely without having to rely on car use.